How we work

How we work

The Dialogue Advisory Group is an independent organisation that facilitates political dialogue to reduce violence. We facilitate political dialogues between armed groups, governments and international organisations in conflict situations.

DAG believes that dialogue and increased collaboration are necessary to help reduce violent conflict.

DAG has a dynamic and diverse team – in terms of gender, nationality and background – led by an Asian director with personal experience of conflict and negotiation. This gives DAG different kinds of opportunities and access.

DAG works with local partners and consultants, rather than establishing local offices. This allows DAG to empower local capacity, rather than weaken it, and leaves DAG ready to rapidly and flexibly explore different situations as they arise.

DAG cooperates closely with key governments, international organisations and the UN. This enables DAG to work with others in any given conflict situation, and allows DAG to focus on critical actors or issues where we can add value.

DAG maintains a low profile and a capacity to maintain relationships over time. This allows DAG to discreetly address sensitive issues and build trust in challenging contexts.

About DAG’s methods

Ram Manikkalingam

March 20, 2019

In the Basque Country, DAG set up the International Verification Commission (IVC) which mon- itored ETA’s ceasefire and then facilitated ETA’s disarmament in 2017 (see Previous Dialogues). In many ways, DAG’s involvement in the Basque Country is an illustrative example of how DAG generally works.

From 2011 to 2017, DAG and the IVC worked on a critical gap, facilitating thorny political dialogues between different actors in a climate of mistrust. By working close- ly with the Basque government, political parties, business associations and religious leaders, DAG and the IVC helped to create the space necessary for ETA to disarm.

BBC video on ETA’s Disarmament